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Adidas All 24 Event (Day 1)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

*Warning: heavy image blog entry below* 

Hi Huneybees,

Last weekend I attended the Adidas All 24 Event @ *Scape. For details, you can see the previous blog entry. The watch design I submitted to Adidas got shortlisted and I was required to be there on Saturday to do up a prototype to enter for the finals.

I had a friend, Valentine (who's also a blogger)to accompany me through the night and she was sweet to help me take photos, while I completed the prototype.

Arriving at the event, choose your path.

The stage is ready.

We waited for 9pm and the event was officially launched. Guess who Adidas invited to be the hosts?

YES! The Muttons from 987FM.
Shan Wee was the first to arrive.
Celebrities from the basketball team. Shan Wee and Paul Foster.
Celebrities from the Football team. Kui Jien and Randall Tan.
Dance Showcase by Styles From Beyond.

I received my watch template to work on.
Having a pic with the Muttons before I start on my HUGE watch.
Beatboxer Dharni's on.

So we designers began working on our sneakers and watches, while DJ KoFlow spinned.

A sample of Dj KoFlow's Spin.

Ok. Sneaker designers get a real sneaker to work on, while watch designers get it on paper?!
This girl stayed all 24 hours to work on her sneakers.
I also started on my watch.

Another watch designer.
The celebrity football game has commenced.
Alongside, the celebrity basketball game has commenced too.
Keeping tab of the scores with The Muttons giving the live report.

Sponsored drinks by 100 plus was free for all.
The audience crowd.
Beginning of graffiti art by Clogtwo.
Can you figure what he's drawing?
Spray paints sponsored by Nippon.
Back to All Fashion session. Busy designers at work.

The youngest designer.
A partially done sneaker.
I got most of the major parts done.
Adjusting bits and pieces.
Skaters ready!

More sneaker watch designs.
A fellow blogger was in for the watch design.
This was her halfway done watch.
Then Rikki was up for the Free-Style Football showcase.

A challenger.
Ta Da! The climax of the my watch design.
Sticking the Swarovski crystals on one by one.
I finshed adding the crystals on!
Bling Bling all over!
My completed watch design.
i even initialed my design.
Having a pic with my watch.
With Valentine, who kept me company through the night.
I was done, so I decided to have a walk around the area.
Some designs that were entered for the graffiti competition.
Mountains of spray paint used.
I'm in love with this piece of work. I wana hang in living room!
It's the Adidas monster!
Nicely done by Clogtwo right?

The celebrities have left, but the public is on all night.

Most of the designers have gone home to rest. Here are some of the half done designs.

This young lady stayed through the night to complete her work.
The skating obstacles.

It was getting late, so we made our way home as I still had to go down again the next day for results. CHeck out my facebook profile for more photos of the event.

Christina aka Huney

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