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New Camera - Panasonic Lumix GF 2

Friday, May 20, 2011

Hi Huneybees,

My hubby got me a new camera for me to fulfill my picture snapping hobby. One reason mainly coz his DSLR is too heavy for me to bring out and also we don't have to fight for camera to have pictures taken when we are out.

Yes! I got a pink camera! This is with the pancake lens. Pictures taken with this lens, will have very clear subject and blur surroundings like below.

This 14-42mm came with the package.
Then we bought this additional 45-200mm for me to snap things from far and I brought this darling to attend Show Luo's concert.
So, let me share some of the pictures that I have taken with my GF2 these few days. I'm still learning the functions as it's a little different from the Nikon DSLR that I've played with previously. Do give me your comments or how I can enhance the photos better? :P

Christina aka Huney

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