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Happy 25th Birthday Peel Fresh!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Hi Huneybees,

987fm's monthly RSVP parties are no stranger to me. But this time round, I'm there as a blogger for the event. So other than partying like the previous times, I get to blog about the event as a VIP guest!

Walking towards Butter Factory from Esplanade.
Then we enjoyed the laser show whilst we had our "Ta Bao-ed" dinner.

OK! All set for party!
Got my VIP pass.

Got our lolli-s.


Drinks that night was vodka mixed with different flavours of the tasty Peel Fresh drinks.
Then, it was time for pictures, pictures, pictures. With the DJs, with the other bloggers and also pictures of the little game they made 3 guys from the audience to dance/shuffle. :)

Credits to 987fm.
1/2 of the Muttons.
From Left: Jackie, Rozz, Shan Wee, Desiree Lai
Super sweet Sarah Tan.
Mr Prata himself, Divian Nair.

Don't you just love Sarah's getup? She looks so chic effortlessly, reminds me of Blake Lively.

Divian doing the 'shuffling'.

The 3 contestants trying out their dance skills for prizes.

This guy was hilarious and he got the most cheers and won!

See! The audience was tickled pink by him.

Shan and Rozz giving the pole a try, teasing one of the contestants for his "slow" dance.

The lucky winners of the Peel Fresh carton design contest.

A little drum performance after the prize giving ceremony.

How can a birthday celebration be complete without a birthday cake?! Check out the colourful fruits on top! So pretty! So ME!!

Then, we had our share of the cake too.

The many fruits that we had.
Taking a pic with my hubby when the event is over.

Credits to Joey.
And how can I forget taking photos with the Tokidoki wall right?

A group picture before we leave.
Then, we went to the Makansutra place next to Esplanade for some chicken wings before we part our ways.

Happy Birthday Peel Fresh! Stay fresh always! I love you!

P.S. More photos can be viewed at http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150262980766254.324507.566861253&l=0c70694821&type=1

Christina aka Huney

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