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Magic, The Churp Churp Event

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hi Huneybees,

Can you believe it?! I've hit my 100th post on this domain already. It's just seems like yesterday I started blogging with Blogger.....

Anyway, I had a magical weekend with the wonderful people of Churp Churp. I got to bring my hubby along for a blogger event, spents a magical day with him and other fellow bloggers. Nice and cosy would be the perfect way to describe the day.

When we arrived, we got our pictures snapped and we were told to go Churpie-hunting and to twitpic the photos of us and Churpies. So hubby and me went on a hunting frenzy....


Spotted: Angie and Fenny colouring the Churpies while we waited for the event to begin.
Ok! *Waves Wand* Time for the magic show.

Our hosts for the day.
Check out the little art room we got.
Love those lamps!
Ice breaker time. This was a pass the charades game. Everyone had their own interpretation and as it went down the line, more and more weird actions were displayed.

Next up, Guest Magician Matthew Lee was invited to show us some of his tricks. No, nothing Harry Potter-ish, no spells like Wingardium Leviosa or Expecto Patronum, just simple up close magic tricks. When I first met Matthew Lee was when I attended some of the JC Sum and Magicbabe Ning shows, he was superbly wonderful with his hands and he specialised in close-up magic.

Matthew did a bend the spoon trick, money changing trick and a card prediction trick. All in just seconds, super impressive and I totally couldn't see how he did it! And then, the few top bloggers that were invited went up on "stage" to perform their magic and everyone did superbly!

Never forgetting to pose.
First up, Quiting aka Bongqiuqiu performed a huge poker card in bag trick. She puts the card in the bag but it disappears....


Ain't Beatrice just sweet standing there in her brightly coloured dress? She performed a magic trick with dice. Selected guest chooses the number on dice and Beatrice has to guess the number through an opaque container.

Jessica's trick was to guess the word from a random page of a book that was not shown to her. Pretty neat eh?

And finally, it was Brad's (ladyironchef) turn. He tried charming his way out by sitting on the table, but with his skills, he did manage to guess the card Jas picked.

Then Matthew was back for more tricks and this time round he got me and hubby up too.
We each picked a coin and only one is marked with an 'X'. Matthew had to ask  questions and guess who has the coin.
He tried cornering Jalormee.
Sophie and my hubby tried go emotionless and lie their way through.
It was down to me and Sophie, we tried lying, but Matthew still got the answer  right. Sophie was the one with the coin.
Sophie was left behind for another little 'blind-spot' trick.
After the show, Churpies and thumbdrives were 'dished' out.
Tweeting game.
And we had a pic after the whole magical event.

So cute, I can't bear to eat them....
And what do bloggers do when they are done with having fun and full with food? CAMWHORE!!!

Matthew Lee and Boss Ming.

Elise from Churp Churp.
The wonderful crew of Churp Churp.

Beatrice did her version of Churpie and I won the drawing! Grab a pic with her...

Why no _??? It's huney_84
The sweet people of Churp Churp even help us get our photos printed!
Bye bye Canvass art studio
One last pic with the bloggers before leaving.
Here's the little souvenir for us to bring home. Pity I didn't get the plushie or the thumbdrive. Hope to get my hands on them soon!

For a little side note, if you wana know more about Churp Churp, feel free to visit their website -- http://sg.churpchurp.com/prevaricator84/share/churpinvite-sg and go sign up with them to earn some cash. 

If you love sharing with your friends on the latest happenings, trends and brands that you like and love, then Churp Churp is definitely for you! We are a community that rewards social media influencers like you for sharing messages on the latest updates, campaigns and events! As a member, you can also join the different contests & events that we have from time to time to mingle around with like-minded fellow Churpers! You will get email notifications regarding the latest updates and events from time to time! Awesome, yes?

Christina aka Huney

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