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Singapore's 46th National Day

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Hi Huneybees,

It's August and it's the nation's b'dae 2 weeks ago. I remember I was so excited that day and I took millions of photos. It was also a special day for my cousin, coz it's her b'dae! Her hubby was not in town, so we celebrated with her and the the whole country displayed fireworks for her! (*Hehehehe! You know it's not for her)

Let me share the beautiful photos of the parade from my home's balcony view? It's a restricted view, but at least I didn't have to crowd under the heat. :P

Picture with my adorable nephew.
With hubby. More of my makeup will be updated at colourhuney.blogspot.com
My nephew and his mummy, the b'dae girl.

Before the parade began at 6pm, we already spotted this helicopter hoovering in the sky. we guessed it was the camera crew that were filming the NDP from bird's eye view.

Then, the NDP began and not long after we saw smoke trails in the sky. The parachuters already jumped off the plane and was preparing for the landing at the Floating Platform.

The helicopters bearing the Singapore National Flag flew around my block and I snapped photos of it. Felt so proud when the Singapore Flag flew right past my eyes.

So, while watching the parade and waiting for the fireworks display, we decided to sing the b'dae song for my cousin and cut the cake.

We bought the mango cake from Breadtalk. Super refreshing and not too sweet.

Then, the sky slowly turned dark as we enjoyed our slices of cakes and I prepared my camera for the fireworks display.

I can the beautiful lit-ed Pinnacle @ Duxton from my place.
The Marina Bay view from my balcony.
Fireworks!!!! The whole sky was blasted with colours and it was spectacular! Every year, it just kept me going WAH! WAH! WAH! Not a single second was my mouth closed. LOL!

Heart-shaped fireworks!

The grand finale.
The NDP was over, but the area over at Marina was still brightly lit-ed. Guess there must have been some after party?

More photos can be viewed at my FB album ---} http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150262611376254.324412.566861253&type=1

Christina aka Huney

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