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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Hi Huneybees,

Movember is here! Nope, I didn't spell wrongly. It is a term that's derived from Moustache and November. And for the first time, this November, Singapore Cancer Society is set to change the way we view men's health, in particular cancer.

Movember.sg launch photos:

The event was held at Artery Bar at Red Dot Traffic.

Movember mocktails were served that night. Even the glasses "grew" mustaches too!

Event was hosted by Su Ann.

Dr Ang Peng Tiam giving a little speech too.

Going outside.

Harley Davidson men giving support to the event. Even their bikes "grew" mustache.

Big thank you to the guys behind the Harley bikes and note, they are models for the ad too!
Even the van that drives cancer patient "grew" mustache too...

Then, it was photo time. Photo taken with Dr. Ang and the ladies present that day. We can't grow mustache, so why not stick one on?

There was a little "shave-off" challenge. Why shave off now? Well, for a clean start!
Guys! Go start growing a mustache too!

Cancer is the number one cause of  death in Singapore. Each year about 4,800 men are diagnosed with cancer and about 4,500 die from it (Stats taken from Singapore Cancer Registry Interim Report 2005-2009). The number of new cases among men is also on the rise and studies have shown that men are more likely to die of cancer than women. 

In addition, the number of new cancer cases among men is rising year-on-year. Through movember.Sg, SCS aims to address this worrying trend by increasing the awareness of cancer among men and highlighting cancer signs and symptoms.

Central to movember.Sg is the moustache. Supporters of movember.Sg are encouraged to grow a moustache during the month of November. The moustache becomes a talking point that creates opportunities for movember.Sg supporters to talk about men's health issues, especially men's cancers, and raise funds for the cancer cause.

So grow a moustache today (or wear a fake one) and get your colleagues, friends and the men in your life to pay greater attention to their health and to cancer in particular.

There are two ways on how you can participate:
    • Give-Mo
    • Do-Mo

To Give-Mo, you can:
  1. Donate to the SCS donation portal via SG Gives 
  2. Send SCS a cheque or download the donation form 
  3. Send SCS a completed GIRO form to donate. Donations are automatically deducted from your bank account on a regular basis. 
To Do-Mo, you can register as:
    1. Individual
    2. Team
    3. Corporate

Do(ing)-Mo brings many benefits to you as an individual, a team and or an organisation. From a personal sense of self-satisfaction, team building and an understanding of the health risks that men face, there is a myriad of reasons for supporting movember.Sg. 

We hope that you will join us and Do-Mo to raise funds for SCS and increase awareness of the major cancers affecting men. Your participation will be a boost to the campaign and will go a long way towards supporting the cancer cause and needy patients in their battle against cancer. 

Do support by purchasing some of the merchandises too! Proceeds go to SCS.

For more details, see: http://movember.sg/moMall.html

Throughout the month of Movember, there will be events and talks about cancer. To know more about the dates and to register, check out the websites: http://movember.sg/events.html and http://www.singaporecancersociety.org.sg. It will be great if you guys can head down to these talks and events to learn more and best if you can bring your friends along!

Hehehehe... the article where my pic was in the TODAY newspaper...


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