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Huney on AIRPLANES with B.O.B.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Hi Huneybees,

For those of you who follow my tweets will know that I was at the B.O.B. concert @ The Coliseum, Hard Rock Hotel Singapore (Resorts World Sentosa)!

All thanks to Joey for the tickets. Sweet girl eh?
Of course, I had to bring hubby along!
We were joined by my 2 other friends (who are bloggers) Joey and Valentine. We met for dinner and we decided to walk across the Sentosa Broadway to get over to Hard Rock Hotel. It was the first time I strolled the walkway in nighttime. So romantic ~

Yipee! Here we go!
Very excited B.O.B. fans.
See the colours. So nice right?!
Queuing to get into the venue.
We had Rozz our 987fm DJ to kick off the concert, ask questions and give out goodies.
Check out the excited crowd.
Yeah! B.O.B.'s out!!!

The DJ, mophead guitarist and dancer.

This hunky drummer took off his shirt right from the beginning.
Nothin' On You Baby!

This one's for the guys. Don't you wana just smack the dancer's ass?

This is the other guitarist, he played really well.
He got his shades out. Can you guess what song?
Yes! Past My Shades!
Even the dancer was also wearing shades lor.
Then, he picked up his guitar and set up his mic.

I know this is a blur picture, but coz he was splashing water, everyone with DSLR  frantically hid their cameras.

Love this shot!
Guest rapper came on stage and the audience went wild.
Wonder who they are pointing at?
Checking out the dancer.
Trying a stylo milo picture.
Jump Jump Jump!
I had to do an animation of him dancing. LOL!

Dance so happy must be my favourite song, "Airplanes"! Where's Hayley??

Another shot of the sexy dancer for the guys.
B.O.B. went in and the crowd screamed for encore, so he changed a shirt, picked up his guitar and played "Lovelier Than You".

See! I told you he felt our WARMTH.

His last song for the night was MGMT's Kids, though it's not his song, but he gave it his own touch and in fact, I love his version more.

We girls just had to take a pic before we leave.
See! We even took a pic with B.O.B.!
A special thanks to Joey for the tickets, we had a wonderful, blasting night of fun!
P.S. For more photos, check out my Fb album, https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150250639941254.321030.566861253

Christina aka Huney

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