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Sensodyne Repair and Protect (Part 2)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

*Sponsored Blog*

Hi Huneybees,

Remember my previous post about Sensodyne Repair and Protect Toothpaste? (If not, see here).
Anyway, it's been a week since I last received the samples. I used it twice daily and this week, we are back to test the results.

Like last week, we were given a cup of ice cream and a cup of hot coffee. I gave it a 6/10 when I tested the ice cream and this week it was down to 0! I felt no pain at all when I ate the ice cream!!! It's a miracle!

Ok. I know alot of you are already thinking to yourself that I'm bluffing. But I can swear (chop my head off let you use as chair ar~) it's really no pain at all! I was so happy, I even finished the whole cup of ice cream and coffee!

You guys should try it for yourselves! Simply log onto their website --> http://www.sensodyne.com.sg to get FREE sample and give the toothpaste a try!

Simply click on the bottom right button.
Fill in your particulars and allow 2 weeks for delivery of toothpaste to your door.
And while you are on the internet, do join Facebook page --> http://www.facebook.com/SensitiveTeeth for updates. Do keep a lookout for my video as well! The tests that I did were filmed and will be posted there. Here's a little teaser that we saw:

I must say a big THANK YOU! to Sensodyne for giving me the opportunity to try out this amazing product. Now I can have cold and hot drinks without having to worry about the pain anymore!

I'm not afraid of "HOT" and "COLD" anymore!
Share some group photos with you guys before I go. Let me know how you feel after using the toothpaste k??

We are no more charged for having sensitive teeth!

*All opinions, views and content expressed herein are entirely mine and GSK has no control or input in the content. A product sample of Sensodyne Repair & Protect was provided to me but I am not otherwise compensated by GSK.*

Christina aka Huney

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